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European Greens - 24th Council Meeting - Utrecht

European Greens - 24th Council Meeting - Utrecht

The European Green Party is delighted to invite you to its 24th Council Meeting - #EGP24

It will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 20 – 22 May 2016.

We are living in decisive times, with the European project under strain from a variety of sources: The refugee crisis signalled the worst humanitarian disaster in many years and the Brexit referendum puts the future of the EU into question.

We, the European Greens, fundamentally disagree with the current direction in which things are going, as member states retreat to their national borders with language reminiscent of the darkest times in our continent’s recent history. For this reason, the 24th Council Council Meeting will focus on a “Green Narrative for Europe”, presenting a comprehensive and positive vision of the EU that gives hope and security to its citizens while moving away from populist and Eurosceptic attitudes.

On another note, we are doubling our efforts in the fight against climate change, following the historic Climate Agreement reached in Paris last year. In Utrecht, we will present our “Fossil Free 2016” campaign, which focuses on the fossil fuel divestment movement.

Our host city is located in the heart of the Netherlands and is often referred to as one of the most bike-friendly cities on the planet. We’re sure that our local Green member party, GroenLinks, will be more than happy to give you tips to make the most of your time in this vibrant city.

On behalf of the European Green Party and GroenLinks, we warmly welcome you to Utrecht!

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