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Follow the vote: Stop EU-subsidies on bullfighting

Follow the vote: Stop EU-subsidies on bullfighting

In the plenary session of October the complete European Parliament will vote on Bas Eickhout's amendment 6334 to stop EU-subsidies on bullfighting. As current European rules state that animals should not suffer pain, injury, fear or distress, it is unacceptable that farmers raising bulls for fighting are still receiving European farming subsidies.

Eickhout will retable his amendment that the Budget Committee rejected, so now every Member of the European Parliament has to vote and show if he or she supports Eickhout or not.

Please support Bas Eickhout's amendment and follow the vote: By attending this event you will show your support to end EU-subsidies on bullfighting!

We would like to notify you of the actual date and time of the vote, provide you with a link to the live stream and of course share the result of the vote with you.

(Please don't forget to invite your friends.)


